Lonely Cloud Photography

Capturing moments in time.

Hometown of My Heart

I grew up in a small town in Texas. It is a town made up of Friday night lights, small town rodeo parades, and more churches than people.  I don’t live too far from that small town now, but I rarely have a reason to visit.  My family has slowly moved out and I’ve found a place that suits my soul a little better.

Fort Worth is a big city and a small town, and I love it. Where I might see someone riding a horse, someone driving a Jaguar, someone wearing a suit with cowboy boots, and a limo broken down outside an old firehouse. It’s a place where old buildings are flanked by glass skyscrapers and where I always find something new and exciting.

Next weekend, I’ll have my first opportunity to show some of my photographs in this city I love. If you’re local, I hope you’ll come out and support the small, local businesses, artists, and crafters who live and work in this great place. Here’s hoping the people of Fort Worth love my photographs as much as I love them!

Event Details:

Rusty Truck Vintage Market @ Texas Home and Garden Show

August 18-20, 2017

Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, Texas


If you make it out, be sure to stop by. I’ll be located with Rustdustrial Antiques in the Rusty Truck Vintage Market area.


Fire Station No. 1 – Downtown Fort Worth

Sidewalk outside Jubilee Theater, Downtown Fort Worth

Bass Hall – Downtown Fort Worth


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