Lonely Cloud Photography

Capturing moments in time.

City Girl in a Country World?

I strive to be honest with myself.  I think that being the best person I can be starts with knowing who I am. And one thing I know about myself is that I am NOT a country girl.  Being born and raised in Texas does not make me one. It just means I have a healthy respect for the creepy crawlies that can kill me.  Unfortunately for me, my respect of snakes and spiders is in direct opposition for my appreciation for wide open spaces and ramshackle structures.

Luckily for me, I have family who love the countryside AND don’t have a crippling fear of slithering serpents of doom, so I get to satisfy my urge to take pictures of barbed wire and barns without too much drama.

Good for me. Good for those of you who like pictures of windmills and rustic posts.  Everyone wins!

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