Lonely Cloud Photography

Capturing moments in time.

Road Trip USA

Once every few years, the husband and I take a road trip from Texas to Chicago. Endless hours on the highway give us time to catch up, take in the scenery, and eat disgusting amounts of junk food. Sometimes, I grab the camera and snap shots as we go. Part of our trip takes us along the old Route 66 highway (as hundreds of billboards and dilapidated signs proclaim). It makes me feel a little sad that those days of family road trips are gone. But at the same time, I’m happy that we get to experience just a bit of what our parents and grandparents might have seen and felt.

I tried to capture some of those feelings in these images. I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do.

Town And Country Sign


Big Red Barn


White Barn



Barn and Silo

Barn and Silo

St. Louis

St. Louis


As always, feel free to follow me on Facebook and contact me if there are any prints that you’d love to have in your own life!



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