Lonely Cloud Photography

Capturing moments in time.


Fall is my favorite time of year. To me, more so than spring, fall is about fresh starts and new beginnings. The sweaty, hot mess of summer is over. Blazing sun and baking pavement are replaced with cool breezes and crisp, fresh air. Plus, the start of fall signals the return of some of my favorite things: boots, sweaters, and lots of baking!

Today, I glimpsed the first beginnings of fall foliage and just couldn’t resist snapping a few pictures.

First Foliage 4

The sun peeks through the leaves as the breeze (read: gale-force wind) blows.

The red oak in our front yard is starting to bring out its fall wardrobe.

The red oak in our front yard is starting to bring out its fall wardrobe.

First Foliage 3

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