Lonely Cloud Photography

Capturing moments in time.

Welcome to a little piece of me…

I don’t consider myself to be a professional. I’m just a chick with a camera. I think -sometimes- I have a unique perspective, a different way of looking at the world. Sometimes I miss the mark. Sometimes I nail it.

I’m learning. I’m learning what I like. I’m learning what my camera can do. I’m learning the limitations of photo editing software. I’m finding my style and my visual “voice.”

I welcome your comments, your feedback, and, most of all, your encouragement. This isn’t my job. It’s a hobby. It’s an expression of me. It’s a way for my poet’s soul to speak when the words fall short.

I share my photographs not for fame or fortune, but in the hopes that they foster feelings of peace, joy, curiosity, and intrigue.

That I feel any of my photographs are worth sharing is a manifestation of my own personal hubris – or courage – or both.

Take a few minutes. Explore. Inquire. Enjoy the view.

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